Alice In Wonderland Wedding Invitations

Alice in Wonderland themed wedding invitations feature whimsical designs and iconic characters from the well-loved story, perfect for an enchanted wedding.

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An Enchantment of Invites – Whimsical and Playful Wedding Designs

A wedding is a special occasion that necessitates the ideal invitation. Alice in Wonderland themed wedding invitations are perfect for those looking for something magical. These enchanting designs feature beloved characters from Lewis Carroll’s story as well as whimsical details ideal for creating an enchanted atmosphere at one’s wedding. From royal playing cards to smiling white rabbits, these one-of-a-kind designs will pique guests’ interest in attending such a wondrous occasion.

Alice in Wonderland, the timeless classic written by Lewis Carroll, has inspired a number of unique and fantastical wedding celebrations. Couples who want to incorporate whimsy and magic into their special day can choose from a range of Alice in Wonderland themed invites. These are not only playful but also visually stunning, offering a perfect mixture of elegance and creativity.

Below, we will explore different themes for Alice in Wonderland inspired wedding invitations. We will also discuss various types of cardstock that are available to help you select the right one for your stationery suite.

Themes for Alice in Wonderland Inspired Weddings

Choosing an Alice in Wonderland themed template is exciting as it offers a wide range of design options, such as vintage or dark themes. Here are four popular themes you can choose from:

Vintage Alice in Wonderland Wedding

This theme brings forth the classic and elegant look of the Victorian era with whimsical illustrations of characters from Lewis Carroll’s book. The intricate details such as lace patterns and gold foil accents give these invitations their timeless feel. Some examples include:

  • Vintage Whimsical Dark Alice in Wonderland Wedding All In One
  • Alice In Wonderland Vintage Chic Storybook Wedding
  • Vintage Dark Alice in Wonderland Wedding All In One
  • Don’t Be Late Vintage Alice In Wonderland Wedding Foil
  • Don’t Be Late Vintage Alice In Wonderland Wedding
  • Wedding Wonderland Vintage Alice In Wonderland

Dark Alice in Wonderland Wedding

For couples looking to add a Gothic twist to their wedding, the dark theme is perfect. These designs feature eerie details and moody colors that create an element of mystery, while still incorporating storybook illustrations. Examples include:

  • Vintage Whimsical Dark Alice in Wonderland Wedding All In One
  • Vintage Dark Alice in Wonderland Wedding All In One

Fairytale Tea Party

This theme is perfect for couples who want a whimsical garden party or a fairy tale-like wedding. The Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Fairytale Wedding stationery design features playful illustrations of tea cups, saucers, cakes, and the Mad Hatter himself.

Black Checkerboard

For a bold and dramatic statement, the Alice In Wonderland Black Checkerboard Wedding invite is an excellent choice. This design features striking black and white checkerboard patterns with pops of red roses throughout.

No matter which theme you choose for your Alice in wonderland wedding invitation suite, these designs capture the whimsy and magic that makes this story so beloved.

Choosing the Right Type of Cardstock

Once you have selected your preferred design theme, it’s time to choose the right type of cardstock. Fortunately, there are several options available that range from standard to premium quality. Here are three types of cardstocks:

  1. Standard
    • If you’re looking for classic while still being economical, then standard cardstock is ideal for you. It’s perfect for all your basic needs and offers an effortless style that stands the test of time. One example of standard cardstock is Mohawk Fine Papers’ Matte Paper which has a thickness of 17.5 pt and weight of 120 lb/324 GSM.
  2. Premium
    • For truly unique and luxurious finishes that create lasting impressions, go for premium cardstock. This option features high-quality paper with exceptional print clarity and color vibrancy. Fedrigoni’s Semi-Gloss Paper from Italy has a bright white semi-gloss finish with a thickness of 12.5 points and weight of 110 lb/300 GSM.
  3. Signature
    • The signature offers tried-and-true quality along with durability that meets industry standards. These papers are versatile and crafted sustainably from high-quality materials such as cotton blends or recycled content fibers. Examples include Mohawk Fine Papers’ Felt White (thickness of 16.6 points and weight of 110 lb/300 GSM), Felt Ecru (thickness of 16.6 points and weight of 110 lb/300 GSM), or Columned (thickness of 15.2 points and weight of 110 lb/300 GSM) papers.
  4. Ultra-Thick
    • For a premium, luxurious feel, ultra-thick cardstock offers the ultimate canvas to add distinction and drama to your stationery. Convertible Solutions’ Ultra-Thick paper has a thickness of 32 pt and weight of 240 lb/650 GSM.
  5. Metallic
    • If you’re looking for a shine reminiscent of precious metal, consider metallic silver cardstock from Fedrigoni in Italy with a thickness of 14.3 points and weight of 110 lb/300 GSM.

When selecting the right type of paper for your Alice in Wonderland wedding invitations, keep in mind the texture, color, and overall style that best match your chosen theme.

Alice in Wonderland inspired wedding stationery offers a perfect blend between classic elegance and playful whimsy. With various themes to choose from such as vintage or dark designs, each invitation suite tells a unique story while still incorporating elements from the beloved book by Lewis Carroll.

Choosing the right type of cardstock is important when it comes to printing your stationery suite as it can affect not only its appearance but also its durability. Whether you go for standard, premium, signature, ultra-thick or metallic cardstocks depends on what suits your style best.

Whichever theme you choose along with the right type of paper stock will capture both the beauty and magic that make Alice in Wonderland so memorable – creating an unforgettable wedding celebration that reflects your personalities.

Alice in Wonderland is a whimsical and enchanting theme that captures the imagination of many couples. If you’re drawn to the charm and wonder of Alice in Wonderland wedding invitations, you may also be interested in exploring other wedding themes that evoke a sense of fantasy, magic, or storytelling. Here are some related themes that could inspire your wedding planning:

Fairy Tale Wedding

Embrace the magic of fairy tales with a wedding theme inspired by beloved stories such as Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, or Beauty and the Beast. Incorporate elements like castle-inspired venues, horse-drawn carriages, and ornate décor reminiscent of a royal ball. Delicate floral arrangements, pastel color palettes, and sparkly accents can add a touch of enchantment to your day.

Vintage Garden Party

Transport your guests to an era gone by with a vintage garden party theme. Draw inspiration from Alice’s adventures in the Queen’s rose garden by creating an atmosphere filled with blooming flowers, lush greenery, and antique decorations. Incorporate teacups, playing cards, and whimsical signage to evoke the spirit of Wonderland.

Steampunk Soirée

For those seeking a fusion of Victorian elegance and industrial aesthetics, a steampunk-themed wedding might be just right. Channel the eccentricity of characters like The Mad Hatter or The White Rabbit with clockwork motifs, gears, top hats, and corsets. Industrial venues adorned with vintage machinery create an otherworldly ambiance for this unconventional theme.

Enchanted Forest Celebration

Bring the magic of the forest indoors or opt for an outdoor woodland setting with an enchanted forest-themed wedding. Think moss-covered centerpieces, fairy lights twinkling overhead, and tree-like props adorning your venue space. Incorporate earthy tones like greens and browns, and embrace natural materials such as wood, moss, and wildflowers to create an ethereal atmosphere.

Storybook Romance

Celebrate the power of storytelling with a whimsical storybook-themed wedding. Incorporate elements from various beloved tales, such as book-inspired centerpieces, literary quotes on signage, and vintage books as props. Choose invitations that resemble antique storybooks to set the tone for your guests.

Embracing themes related to Alice in Wonderland wedding invitations opens up a world of creativity and fantasy for your special day. Whether you choose a fairy tale wedding, vintage garden party, steampunk soirée, enchanted forest celebration, or a storybook romance, these themes offer endless possibilities for creating a unique and memorable experience for you and your guests.

By infusing your wedding with elements of wonder and imagination inspired by Alice in Wonderland, you can create an enchanting atmosphere that will leave everyone feeling like they’ve stepped through the looking glass into a world of magic and adventure. Let your imagination run wild as you plan your dream wedding theme.

By choosing a downloadable option, you will have access to limitless customization options, instant delivery, and cost-effective pricing.

One of the biggest advantages of downloading Alice in Wonderland wedding invitations is the ability to personalize every detail. With digital downloads, you can adjust fonts, colors, and wording until it perfectly reflects your vision. Plus, if you make a mistake or need to make last-minute changes, it’s easy to do so without having to wait for physical copies or pay for costly reprinting.

Another reason to choose downloadable invitations is convenience. Traditional paper invites take weeks to arrive, but with digital downloads, you’ll receive them instantly and be able to send them out at a moment’s notice. With time being such a precious commodity when planning a wedding, saving even a few days can make a big difference.

Downloading invites is incredibly cost-effective compared to traditional printing methods. You won’t have to pay for shipping fees or worry about minimum order requirements which often lead couples ordering more invitations than they need.

It takes a lot of effort to plan the perfect wedding! With so many details to attend to, it can be difficult to know where to begin. Couples frequently spend time thinking about invitation design — after all, it needs to reflect your unique style and set the tone for your special day. While Alice in Wonderland themed invitations are charming, they may not be appropriate for every bride and groom.

Here are some advantages and disadvantages of using this enchanted theme.


  • Incorporates iconic characters from a beloved story, adding a whimsical touch to your event.
  • Themes enable creative designs with bold colors and beautiful fonts.
  • A one-of-a-kind way to demonstrate your love of literature.
  • Can create a magical atmosphere at your ceremony.


  • Not every couple appreciates fairy tales or stories by Lewis Carroll.
  • Some guests may find it too childish or over the top.
  • Because of its fantasy themes, it may limit other decorating options.

Celebrating an Alice in Wonderland-Inspired Dream Wedding

A themed wedding based on the characters and setting of Lewis Carroll’s classic novel, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, is known as an Alice in Wonderland wedding. These weddings frequently include whimsical decorations and elements inspired by the book, such as tea party-style desserts and centerpieces with playing cards or other story references. Many couples dress up as characters from the novel for their wedding or reception. That is what distinguishes it as a one-of-a-kind and magical celebration inspired by Lewis Carroll’s beloved story – with your own personal touches!

Whether you want to host an elegant tea party, explore the fantastical garden, or simply revel in the whimsy of this classic tale, an Alice In Wonderland themed wedding can provide you and your guests with a truly unforgettable experience. Every aspect of planning, from finding the perfect invitations to decorating with imaginative decorations, can be tailored to fit this fairytale theme, making it one of the most special occasions you’ll ever remember.

Choosing the Best Alice in Wonderland Wedding Invitations

Alice in Wonderland invitations are ideal for couples who want to add a touch of whimsy and charm to their wedding. These templates can add a sense of enchantment and creativity to any occasion, with whimsical designs that capture the essence of Lewis Carroll’s magical novel, vibrant colors, and bold details. Themes inspired by Alice in Wonderland also allow couples to express their individual personalities through colors or design elements. Furthermore, they are an excellent way to introduce guests to the wedding theme and get them excited about attending. With so many different styles to choose from, Alice in Wonderland invitations are sure to please any couple looking for something unique and special.

There are numerous options available when it comes to selecting the right design templates for an Alice in Wonderland wedding! Here are some suggestions to help you choose the perfect invitation for your special occasion:

  • A vintage design with illustrations from Lewis Carroll’s famous book – these designs have a nostalgic feel that will make your guests feel like they’ve stepped back in time.
  • Bold colors such as bright pinks, blues, and purples work well for creating a vibrant atmosphere – perfect for those who want a little more color on their cards!
  • Illustrations from film adaptations, such as Disney’s take on the classic tale, can be used as inspiration for designing your invitations, adding a touch of fantasy to each card.
  • Hearts, stars, and teacups are all great decorative flourishes to add to any design, letting your guests know what kind of adventure awaits them at your wedding!

There are several options for Alice In Wonderland wedding themes, including: Mad Hatter Tea Party Theme (complete with hat boxes full of goodies), Garden Party Theme (full of flowers & rabbits), Escaping Into Fantasy Theme (with secret doors leading into unknown realms), and Finally Found Love Theme (emphasizing how two people have come together). Every option has its own distinct charm, allowing couples to create beautiful memories with their family and friends without being restricted to a single genre or style.

So, don’t let fear keep you from enjoying everything whimsical! Choosing an Alice in Wonderland wedding allows you to be creative and plan one-of-a-kind celebrations that capture all of the charm and magic that made Lewis Carroll’s timeless story so popular even today!

Alice in Wonderland Wedding: The Magical Theme’s Backstory

Have you ever wished for a wedding that appeared to be straight out of a fairytale? One way to make your special day even more memorable is to incorporate a magical and whimsical Alice in Wonderland theme. From teacup centerpieces to playing card decorations, this theme creates an atmosphere of pure fantasy that is sure to enchant guests.

A wedding that is themed after Alice in Wonderland can turn into a surreal wonderland for guests of all ages, making it an excellent choice for couples who want to have a wedding experience that they will never forget. Everyone who participates will find something delightfully unexpected in every facet of this theme, from the vivacious colors and whimsical decorations to the people dressed in fancy attire and the mouthwatering food concoctions. Guests can be sent themed invitations that enhance the feeling of being in Wonderland by incorporating elements from Lewis Carroll’s original story, including rabbits, clocks, keys, and other animals.

The many elements of this wedding theme are truly captivating, and they offer unbounded opportunities for creativity and personalization in the ceremony and reception. When guests enter the space you have crafted for the ceremony or reception, they should have the impression that they have stepped through a looking glass. One way for you to give this impression is through the perception of size (a common theme in Lewis Carroll’s work), you might want to consider adding life-size images or oversized props inspired by traditional storybook characters.

Couples who are looking for something that is truly one of a kind have the option of selecting live animals that are dressed as their preferred characters or special touches such as “Drink Me” potion bottles that are filled with bubbly beverages. Naturally, a wedding themed after Alice in Wonderland wouldn’t be complete without some tea cup desserts or Cheshire Cat cupcakes.

There are some alternative invitation themes that could work just as well for couples looking for something similar but with a different twist on the classic theme. Enchanted Forest weddings and Steampunk weddings, for example, focus on creating a sense of mystery and adventure with décor inspired by plants and technology, respectively.

If you’re looking for a whimsical way to say “I Do,” an Alice in Wonderland-themed wedding is a must-consider! With its imaginative details, bright décor ideas, and creative possibilities, it will undoubtedly bring your love story to life while providing your guests with an unforgettable experience unlike any other.

An Alice in Wonderland wedding gives couples the chance to write their own fairy tale ending! It includes fun elements that bring out the childlike magic in all of us, as well as endless customization options, allowing each couple to create truly unique celebrations centered on Lewis Carroll’s beloved classic tale!


There are many reasons why I love the rustic style. For one, it has a unique and charming look that can make any wedding feel warm and inviting. It also has a cozy, comfortable charm that makes it perfect for a Summer wedding. Additionally, a rustic theme is often very affordable, since it uses natural motifs that are easy to find and usually don’t cost much.

But most of all I love rustic because it is so versatile and can be adapted to fit any taste or preference. It doesn’t matter if you want an outdoor rustic ceremony or a charming barn themed wedding, there is a rustic style on to fit your needs.

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